Elitek Vehicle Services

Harrisburg, PA

  • Automotive Calibration •
  • Mechanical •
  • Electronic •
  • Diagnostic Services
(888) 835-4835

Mobile Services

Remote Services

Elitek Vehicle Services

Elitek Vehicle Services - Harrisburg is the premier industry provider for mobile and remote diagnostic services. Calibration, Mechanical, Electronic & Diagnostic Services. At Elitek Vehicle Services - Harrisburg, we offer a variety of services for independent service centers and dealerships for Domestic, Asian, European, and Exotic makes and models.

Service Area

All of Pennsylvania

Call Us Today!

(888) 835-4835

Elitek Vehicle Services - Harrisburg is the premier industry provider for mobile and remote diagnostic services. Calibration, Mechanical, Electronic & Diagnostic Services. At Elitek Vehicle Services - Harrisburg, we offer a variety of services for independent service centers and dealerships for Domestic, Asian, European, and Exotic makes and models.

Business Hours

Frequently Asked Questions


What is required for the remote tool to work?

A reliable Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection is needed to properly scan the vehicle.

What services can be done with the remote tool?

We can perform Pre or Post scans on 95% of vehicles 2010MY+. We can also perform Programming, Coding and resets on most vehicles 2010MY+.

What can’t be done with the remote tool?

Currently, we are unable to service some vehicles that use DoIP systems.

How long will a Pre or Post scan take?

Most scans take 10-30 minutes depending on the vehicle and quality of connection.

If I need help, who do I contact?

You can email us at remote@elitekauto.com or give us a call at 888-8-ELITEK.

What if my device stops working?

We offer a 2-year limited warranty on the tool. If your device stops working, please contact us.


Does Elitek set up targets in my shop’s facility?

Yes, provided that the facility has the space.

Can you program a used module?

Yes, on most models.

Can you program a used computer?

Yes, on most models.

Can you program a used transmission?

Yes, on most models (Mercedes & Nissan are exceptions).

What is the response time to get an ELITEK technician to my repair facility?

Target of 24-hour-turnaround in most markets.

What is the cost of an ADAS Calibration Service?

Calibration services starts at $250. Programming starts at $150.

How do I get a job scheduled?

Call 888-8-ELITEK or email dispatch@lkqcorp.com
